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Considerations On Earth This world has a bad situation for virtuoso. Aestheticness, love, excellence, imagination is twisted also, mut...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Corruption Of Public Office For Private Gain Essay
How is corruption defined and how can an international organization ensure it is not supporting corruption in countries it is aiding and that its staff are not engaging in corrupt practices? Use an example of an international organization to support your argument. Introduction Corruption is not only a complex phenomenon, but one that its definition has always been controversial. The problem of corruption is widespread. Even though the perception of corruption is culturally relative, some attempts have been made especially with International Organizations to bring its definition closer to universality. According to the World Bank, corruption is â€Å"the abuse of public office for private gain†. Thus, corruption based on this definition occurs when a public official accepts, solicits, or extorts a bribe for private purposes. It is also abuse when private agents actively offer bribes to circumvent public policies and processes for competitive advantage. Even in some cases where public office is abused for personal benefit without a bribe, through patronage or nepotism, the theft of state assets, or the diversion of funds, it still considered a corruption. Generally, corruption tends to gravely affect development, the very purpose for which most IOs a re working to improve. Even though corruption exist everywhere, it is very common and endemic in developing countries where most IOs undertake their projects. As a result most IOs are have initiated measures aimed at achieving zeroShow MoreRelatedGrand Corruption ‘Consists Of Acts Committed At A High1522 Words  | 7 PagesGrand corruption ‘consists of acts committed at a high level of government that distort policies or the central functioning of the state, enabling leaders to benefit at the expense of the public good’. 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Essay1454 Words  | 6 Pagesand large societal figure head to take part in the occasional corruption scandal. With convictions ranging from the FIFA organization to the United States president, it is hard to believe that the global community is still intact. Though there are certain types of corruption accepted by a small number of countries, the overwhelming global majority agrees that corruption is a rampant issue which needs to be rectified. Acts of corruption only follow with negative consequences towards the whole of societyRead MoreCorporal Punishment in Schools1531 Words  | 7 Pagesin the world to prohibit corporal punishment was Poland in 1783 [4]. Individual US states have the power to ban corporal punishment in their schools. Currently, it is banned in public schools in 31 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.[95] In two of these states, New Jersey[96] andIowa,[97] it is illegal in private schools as well. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Descriptive Essay On Pizza - 1066 Words
Back when I was only five years old, pizza was always one of my favorite food in my life. From pizza parties with my classmates or to me at home alone ordering dominos all for myself. The most exciting part about ordering pizza is when it comes knocking on your door at the middle of the night in a cardboard box, waiting to be opened and when you open it, there’s eights beautiful yummy slices waiting for you in there to be demolished. As I grew up, I started to notice that everybody devours there pizza differently. There are some people like me who just eat it normally, then there’s those who fold their pizza. The ones I find the most annoying ones who eat their pizza are the ones who cut their pizza with a knife. I don’t know why I find it†¦show more content†¦I always eat pizza on special occasions like when It’s my birthday or when it’s my friend’s birthday or when I am hungry. Why I say dominos is my favorite then the rest of the other pizza places is because dominos makes its pizza a hand tossed pizza with a Garlic-seasoned crust with a rich, buttery taste to it with every bite. Like the crust feels perfect in your hand when you are holding it. There are other options for the pizza crust like the handmade pan, it’s a Two layer of cheese, toppings to the edge, baked in a pan for a crust that is golden and crispy with a buttery taste to it and there’s the Brooklyn style it’s a hand stretched to be big, thin and perfectly foldable. The one I hate the most from all the other crusts is the crunchy thin crust. The reason I hate it because the pizza is so fragile and skinny and like there no crust in it. Every time I drive near dominos I can smell their pizza cooking in the oven, it smells like crisp baked bread with warm melting mozzarella cheese and sweet rich ripe tomato sauce. The smell takes me way back when I ate my first pizza , when I just came to Cleveland, Ohio from my trip overseas and there was no store open at night where we can find fast food that was good and dominions was the only store that was open at 1 am in the morning so we bought our first box andShow MoreRelatedCrusty Dough Pizza Company Descriptive Statistics Essay1226 Words  | 5 PagesCrusty Dough Pizza Company – Maximizing Monthly Profits Introduction This paper provides a summary of our analysis of the data obtained for 60 Crusty Dough Pizza Company restaurants. We compared 16 pizza store characteristics to monthly profit in order to determine the best indicators of success. The results of this analysis may be used to determine the store services and attributes that have the most bearing on profitably. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Example For Students
Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Martin Luther King, Jr. was perhaps one of the most influential person of our time. As the father of modern civil rights movement, Dr.Martin Luther king, Jr., is recognized around the world as a symbol of freedom and peace. Born January 15, 1929, King was the son of an Atlanta pastor. King accomplished many achievements during his life. He graduated from Morehouse as a minister in 1948 and went on to Crozer Theological seminary in Chester, Pa., where he earned a divinity degree. After that King went on to earn a doctorate in theology from Boston University in 1955. King also achieved the Nobel Peace Prize in December of 1964. He was assassinated on April 4,1968, outside his motel room by James Earl Ray. While his views at the time seemed radical to many, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is remembered and respected today as a martyr of the civil rights movement and an icon of change through nonviolent means. The Ways of Meeting Oppression, by Martin Luther King Jr. Essay, is a story about the ways in which oppressed people deal with their oppression. Dr. King came up with 3 characteristics in which oppressed people deal with their oppression. In this essay we will discuss the three major ways that Dr. King talks about. We will also reveal the one method that King supports. He first characteristic that King mentions in his writing is acquiescence. In this characteristic, King explains how people give up to oppression and become accustomed to it. He believes that this form is not the way to solve the grief that the Negroes were being put through. In fact, he criticizes the people who utilize this method. The following line proves my statement, To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system; thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor. The second form that Dr. King talks about is hatred and violence. This is another method that he disagrees with. King explains how violence only creates temporary results and creates more complicated problems in the future. As a minister and deep believer in peace, King refused to accept this way. He also believed that this form will only bring injustice to future generations. He explained how violence today will bring chaos tomorrow. An excellent statement made by Dr. King to disprove this method is, The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. The third, and final, way that Marther Luther King Jr., talked about was nonviolent resistance. This form of dealing with oppression was strongly supported by King. He believed that the oppressed must consider the benefits of both methods, acquiescence and aggressiveness. A line that best describes my statement is . ..the principle of nonviolent resistance seeks to reconcile the truths of two opposites-the acquiescence and violence-while avoiding the extremes and immoralities of both. King believed that this was the best method and in order for it to be successful the Negros must work passionately and unrelentingly. Marher Luther King Jr., was a great leader. In the writing weve just discussed weve learned 3 ways in which King believes are options available to oppressed people. Among these options we also learn the one supported by Dr. King. He explained all methods from acquiescence to his favorite nonviolent resistance. King also gave great examples of each and everyone of these ways. If it wasnt for such beliefs, maybe todays wouldnt be shaped this way. King was undoubtedly a great leader whom we all admire. A man who changed history and the way people think about each other. A radical thinker who achieved many thing, and created great movements. Despite his death, his legacy and belief still stand strong. Norse Mythology EssayRESOURCES Transitions (Barbara Fine Clouse Pp.507-509) -The Ways Of Meeting Oppression -by Marther Luther King Jr. .
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Nature and Biblical Reference in Annie Dillard Essay Example
Nature and Biblical Reference in Annie Dillard Paper The Writing by Annie Dullard Is very intriguing, she shows with no guidance from another source how people must see for themselves, so they can truly observe nature in its fullest. She often questions the very foundation of human existence. Annie Dullard also focuses on the creation and evolution and frequently questions God and his impact on the nature and human being. Cod appears a lot In her writing and Annie Dullard often shows her ambivalence toward God. I would like to focus on the relationship between God, human being and nature ND also try to explain the figure of God as Annie Dullard sees it and find a biblical reference In her writing which would be an example of Cods almightiness. Also, there is a conflict between Annie Dullards illusion of God, since her thoughts are not united in this topic and reader could get easily confused, whether she is devout or skeptical about God. In the next paragraph I would like to focus on Dullards use of the words God and god. Annie Dullard often uses the word God or god In her writing, but God does not seem to be very positive figure. Even though Annie Dullard is a religious person and he attends church, she does not blindly celebrate God. She does not understand why there Is all the suffering, when God is the all-powerful creator of the world. The answer she finds Is, that pain and suffering are something similar to a megaphone trough which God sends his emotion to ordinary people. Sometimes reader may get confused by Annie Dullards use of the words God and god. God with capital G always refers to Jewish and Christian religion. God Is always the God of the Bible and she also speaks of the God of Genesis who makes the guarantee that there will be night and day and seasons of the ye « (Dullard 90). But Annie Dullard refuses to believe that God can do everything. In her Seeing, she points out that God cannot prevent people from going blind, and as she sadly observes we do need reminding, not of what God can do, but of what he cannot do'(Dullard 61 Annie Dullard always refers to God, when written with capital G, as to him. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature and Biblical Reference in Annie Dillard specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nature and Biblical Reference in Annie Dillard specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nature and Biblical Reference in Annie Dillard specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer She always mentions his cruelty and doubts the possibility of God being a female figure, because she would not allow such sorrow. God written with lower case g Is not any less Important figure. Annie Dullard refers to god or gods when she talks about natural gods or ancient Greek gods, also the very day miracles, such as a tree in the wind or bird caught by her cat. When it comes to the difference between God and god, it seems like the important difference Is In godliness. When godliness becomes overwhelming Dullard always uses term God. Unlike god or gods, God participates In the natural processes and Is a figure which could be blamed for the suffering. Next paragraph could be a description of the conflict between natural world and how ordinary person sees it and thinks of it. Annie Dullard is often compared to romantic authors of the nineteenth century. She seems to be broken apart when It comes to thoughts of the Big Bang theory and the perception of Darwinian evolution and the wo rld creation by God. Her scientific knowledge could be one of the reasons for her ambivalence toward God. As an I OFF example AT cruelty In ten world seen uses animals, winos Demeanor Is very incomprehensible to people. One of her examples is mating mantises, where the phenomenon of sexual cannibalism is very common. When mating the female mantis starts feeding herself with biting off the males head. The mating does not end and surprisingly it actually becomes even more vigorous. Annie Dullard is very interested in many kinds of zoological and botanical events and some parts of her work are related only to stories of eating. The law of nature is not the survival of the strongest individuals. Dullard thinks that it is more likely the matter of accident, luck or simply being in the right place at the right time. Annie Dullard is convinced that evolution loves death more than it loves you or me (Dullard 171). These natural events seem to be cruel only to us, human beings. At this point Annie Dullard goes back to God and suggests that he created people and gave them the specific qualities such as humanity, morals and care for reason. Her quote It is ironic that the one thing that all religions recognize as separating us from our creator our very self- consciousness is also the one thing that divides us from our fellow creatures. It was a bitter birthday present from evolution cutting us off at both ends shows how she feels the difference between human beings and animals. Many people do not really see this feature of nature, but Annie Dullard is a very good observer, who does not just watch it, but also sees it. She believes that God created natural world cruel and amoral. The disjunction between natural beauty and natural hate caused the suffering and to see this diversity one must experience it himself. Dullard advices these people who would like to experience it themselves to always keep their eyes open. According to Annie Dullard there are two kinds of seeing. One involves rolling stones away and studying the bank and the other one also involves a letting go. This kind of seeing is more likely to be a moment of intense insight and, as she says, it is guaranteed that this moment will vanish. These moments are usually created by God and the spiritual part of human being. This paragraph should explain how God appears in Annie Dullards writing in person and how he really affects what is going on around us. In Annie Dullards work Stalking there is a reference to Bible, where God talks to Moses: Moses said to God: I beseech thee, show me thy glory. And god said: Thou cannot see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live. But he added: There is a place by me, and thou shall stand upon a rock and it shall come to pass, while my glory passed by, that I will put thee in a cliff of the rock, and will cover thee, with my hand while I pass by: And I will take away mine hand, and thou shall see my back parts; but my face shall not be seen. Dullard 207) From this extract it seems as if God was omnipresent, as if he was always taking control over everything and it is only up to people how they would react and explain natural features to themselves. There are no doubts that God plays a very important role in Annie Dullards work and that she might be a little uncertain herself, if she really is ambivalent toward God. In fact, in her real life she was very unsure of her own religious views, since she was raised Presbyterian but converted to Catholicism in her early twenties. Annie Dullard claims that it really does not matter what kind of qualities your God has. But reading through her works, it is uneasy to decide, how she really feels toward him. Gods absence and Gods presence are felt simultaneously and it is very difficult to define whether she is afraid of him or she is simply aware of him. One of the poss. 0111 less AT want seen malign Is Tanat seen Is angry Witt ml, even tong she has never really expressed such an attitude in her writing. It is believed that God is an all knowing being, but no one has ever been in direct contact with him. And of course there is the question many people ask every single day: What exactly does he ant us to do, so we do not have to go through any suffering and pain? God and his powers are the reasons for human fear and when we think again about the cruel nature we really have to admit that world is not a warm and loving place. To conclude, Annie Dullard says that every kind of writing is a sort of creation. It is true about any kind of creation and every single one is meant to bring Joy. Every creation is meant to be touching and giving. Annie Dullard says that she writes to make people happy, she tries to make them see as she sees and see what she sees. God in her eyes is a mystic figure and his creation is the only one where she has doubts, whether it brought happiness and Joy. But God touching human being in any kind of sense always brings hope. He is an inscrutable figure. It is most probable to her that there is a God, but the answer to a question if he cares about his creation is probably not. Humans attitude towards God is very difficult. As Annie Dullard says it is extraordinarily difficult to be able to believe. Hope is a lot easier. One of the most famous quotes by Annie Dullard is accurate to her feelings toward God and his impact on a reader. Annie Dullard said: Eskimo: If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?
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