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Considerations On Earth This world has a bad situation for virtuoso. Aestheticness, love, excellence, imagination is twisted also, mut...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Corruption Of Public Office For Private Gain Essay
How is corruption defined and how can an international organization ensure it is not supporting corruption in countries it is aiding and that its staff are not engaging in corrupt practices? Use an example of an international organization to support your argument. Introduction Corruption is not only a complex phenomenon, but one that its definition has always been controversial. The problem of corruption is widespread. Even though the perception of corruption is culturally relative, some attempts have been made especially with International Organizations to bring its definition closer to universality. According to the World Bank, corruption is â€Å"the abuse of public office for private gain†. Thus, corruption based on this definition occurs when a public official accepts, solicits, or extorts a bribe for private purposes. It is also abuse when private agents actively offer bribes to circumvent public policies and processes for competitive advantage. Even in some cases where public office is abused for personal benefit without a bribe, through patronage or nepotism, the theft of state assets, or the diversion of funds, it still considered a corruption. Generally, corruption tends to gravely affect development, the very purpose for which most IOs a re working to improve. Even though corruption exist everywhere, it is very common and endemic in developing countries where most IOs undertake their projects. As a result most IOs are have initiated measures aimed at achieving zeroShow MoreRelatedGrand Corruption ‘Consists Of Acts Committed At A High1522 Words  | 7 PagesGrand corruption ‘consists of acts committed at a high level of government that distort policies or the central functioning of the state, enabling leaders to benefit at the expense of the public good’. 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Essay1454 Words  | 6 Pagesand large societal figure head to take part in the occasional corruption scandal. With convictions ranging from the FIFA organization to the United States president, it is hard to believe that the global community is still intact. Though there are certain types of corruption accepted by a small number of countries, the overwhelming global majority agrees that corruption is a rampant issue which needs to be rectified. Acts of corruption only follow with negative consequences towards the whole of societyRead MoreCorporal Punishment in Schools1531 Words  | 7 Pagesin the world to prohibit corporal punishment was Poland in 1783 [4]. Individual US states have the power to ban corporal punishment in their schools. Currently, it is banned in public schools in 31 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.[95] In two of these states, New Jersey[96] andIowa,[97] it is illegal in private schools as well. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Descriptive Essay On Pizza - 1066 Words
Back when I was only five years old, pizza was always one of my favorite food in my life. From pizza parties with my classmates or to me at home alone ordering dominos all for myself. The most exciting part about ordering pizza is when it comes knocking on your door at the middle of the night in a cardboard box, waiting to be opened and when you open it, there’s eights beautiful yummy slices waiting for you in there to be demolished. As I grew up, I started to notice that everybody devours there pizza differently. There are some people like me who just eat it normally, then there’s those who fold their pizza. The ones I find the most annoying ones who eat their pizza are the ones who cut their pizza with a knife. I don’t know why I find it†¦show more content†¦I always eat pizza on special occasions like when It’s my birthday or when it’s my friend’s birthday or when I am hungry. Why I say dominos is my favorite then the rest of the other pizza places is because dominos makes its pizza a hand tossed pizza with a Garlic-seasoned crust with a rich, buttery taste to it with every bite. Like the crust feels perfect in your hand when you are holding it. There are other options for the pizza crust like the handmade pan, it’s a Two layer of cheese, toppings to the edge, baked in a pan for a crust that is golden and crispy with a buttery taste to it and there’s the Brooklyn style it’s a hand stretched to be big, thin and perfectly foldable. The one I hate the most from all the other crusts is the crunchy thin crust. The reason I hate it because the pizza is so fragile and skinny and like there no crust in it. Every time I drive near dominos I can smell their pizza cooking in the oven, it smells like crisp baked bread with warm melting mozzarella cheese and sweet rich ripe tomato sauce. The smell takes me way back when I ate my first pizza , when I just came to Cleveland, Ohio from my trip overseas and there was no store open at night where we can find fast food that was good and dominions was the only store that was open at 1 am in the morning so we bought our first box andShow MoreRelatedCrusty Dough Pizza Company Descriptive Statistics Essay1226 Words  | 5 PagesCrusty Dough Pizza Company – Maximizing Monthly Profits Introduction This paper provides a summary of our analysis of the data obtained for 60 Crusty Dough Pizza Company restaurants. We compared 16 pizza store characteristics to monthly profit in order to determine the best indicators of success. The results of this analysis may be used to determine the store services and attributes that have the most bearing on profitably. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Example For Students
Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Martin Luther King, Jr. was perhaps one of the most influential person of our time. As the father of modern civil rights movement, Dr.Martin Luther king, Jr., is recognized around the world as a symbol of freedom and peace. Born January 15, 1929, King was the son of an Atlanta pastor. King accomplished many achievements during his life. He graduated from Morehouse as a minister in 1948 and went on to Crozer Theological seminary in Chester, Pa., where he earned a divinity degree. After that King went on to earn a doctorate in theology from Boston University in 1955. King also achieved the Nobel Peace Prize in December of 1964. He was assassinated on April 4,1968, outside his motel room by James Earl Ray. While his views at the time seemed radical to many, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is remembered and respected today as a martyr of the civil rights movement and an icon of change through nonviolent means. The Ways of Meeting Oppression, by Martin Luther King Jr. Essay, is a story about the ways in which oppressed people deal with their oppression. Dr. King came up with 3 characteristics in which oppressed people deal with their oppression. In this essay we will discuss the three major ways that Dr. King talks about. We will also reveal the one method that King supports. He first characteristic that King mentions in his writing is acquiescence. In this characteristic, King explains how people give up to oppression and become accustomed to it. He believes that this form is not the way to solve the grief that the Negroes were being put through. In fact, he criticizes the people who utilize this method. The following line proves my statement, To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system; thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor. The second form that Dr. King talks about is hatred and violence. This is another method that he disagrees with. King explains how violence only creates temporary results and creates more complicated problems in the future. As a minister and deep believer in peace, King refused to accept this way. He also believed that this form will only bring injustice to future generations. He explained how violence today will bring chaos tomorrow. An excellent statement made by Dr. King to disprove this method is, The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. The third, and final, way that Marther Luther King Jr., talked about was nonviolent resistance. This form of dealing with oppression was strongly supported by King. He believed that the oppressed must consider the benefits of both methods, acquiescence and aggressiveness. A line that best describes my statement is . ..the principle of nonviolent resistance seeks to reconcile the truths of two opposites-the acquiescence and violence-while avoiding the extremes and immoralities of both. King believed that this was the best method and in order for it to be successful the Negros must work passionately and unrelentingly. Marher Luther King Jr., was a great leader. In the writing weve just discussed weve learned 3 ways in which King believes are options available to oppressed people. Among these options we also learn the one supported by Dr. King. He explained all methods from acquiescence to his favorite nonviolent resistance. King also gave great examples of each and everyone of these ways. If it wasnt for such beliefs, maybe todays wouldnt be shaped this way. King was undoubtedly a great leader whom we all admire. A man who changed history and the way people think about each other. A radical thinker who achieved many thing, and created great movements. Despite his death, his legacy and belief still stand strong. Norse Mythology EssayRESOURCES Transitions (Barbara Fine Clouse Pp.507-509) -The Ways Of Meeting Oppression -by Marther Luther King Jr. .
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Nature and Biblical Reference in Annie Dillard Essay Example
Nature and Biblical Reference in Annie Dillard Paper The Writing by Annie Dullard Is very intriguing, she shows with no guidance from another source how people must see for themselves, so they can truly observe nature in its fullest. She often questions the very foundation of human existence. Annie Dullard also focuses on the creation and evolution and frequently questions God and his impact on the nature and human being. Cod appears a lot In her writing and Annie Dullard often shows her ambivalence toward God. I would like to focus on the relationship between God, human being and nature ND also try to explain the figure of God as Annie Dullard sees it and find a biblical reference In her writing which would be an example of Cods almightiness. Also, there is a conflict between Annie Dullards illusion of God, since her thoughts are not united in this topic and reader could get easily confused, whether she is devout or skeptical about God. In the next paragraph I would like to focus on Dullards use of the words God and god. Annie Dullard often uses the word God or god In her writing, but God does not seem to be very positive figure. Even though Annie Dullard is a religious person and he attends church, she does not blindly celebrate God. She does not understand why there Is all the suffering, when God is the all-powerful creator of the world. The answer she finds Is, that pain and suffering are something similar to a megaphone trough which God sends his emotion to ordinary people. Sometimes reader may get confused by Annie Dullards use of the words God and god. God with capital G always refers to Jewish and Christian religion. God Is always the God of the Bible and she also speaks of the God of Genesis who makes the guarantee that there will be night and day and seasons of the ye « (Dullard 90). But Annie Dullard refuses to believe that God can do everything. In her Seeing, she points out that God cannot prevent people from going blind, and as she sadly observes we do need reminding, not of what God can do, but of what he cannot do'(Dullard 61 Annie Dullard always refers to God, when written with capital G, as to him. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature and Biblical Reference in Annie Dillard specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nature and Biblical Reference in Annie Dillard specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nature and Biblical Reference in Annie Dillard specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer She always mentions his cruelty and doubts the possibility of God being a female figure, because she would not allow such sorrow. God written with lower case g Is not any less Important figure. Annie Dullard refers to god or gods when she talks about natural gods or ancient Greek gods, also the very day miracles, such as a tree in the wind or bird caught by her cat. When it comes to the difference between God and god, it seems like the important difference Is In godliness. When godliness becomes overwhelming Dullard always uses term God. Unlike god or gods, God participates In the natural processes and Is a figure which could be blamed for the suffering. Next paragraph could be a description of the conflict between natural world and how ordinary person sees it and thinks of it. Annie Dullard is often compared to romantic authors of the nineteenth century. She seems to be broken apart when It comes to thoughts of the Big Bang theory and the perception of Darwinian evolution and the wo rld creation by God. Her scientific knowledge could be one of the reasons for her ambivalence toward God. As an I OFF example AT cruelty In ten world seen uses animals, winos Demeanor Is very incomprehensible to people. One of her examples is mating mantises, where the phenomenon of sexual cannibalism is very common. When mating the female mantis starts feeding herself with biting off the males head. The mating does not end and surprisingly it actually becomes even more vigorous. Annie Dullard is very interested in many kinds of zoological and botanical events and some parts of her work are related only to stories of eating. The law of nature is not the survival of the strongest individuals. Dullard thinks that it is more likely the matter of accident, luck or simply being in the right place at the right time. Annie Dullard is convinced that evolution loves death more than it loves you or me (Dullard 171). These natural events seem to be cruel only to us, human beings. At this point Annie Dullard goes back to God and suggests that he created people and gave them the specific qualities such as humanity, morals and care for reason. Her quote It is ironic that the one thing that all religions recognize as separating us from our creator our very self- consciousness is also the one thing that divides us from our fellow creatures. It was a bitter birthday present from evolution cutting us off at both ends shows how she feels the difference between human beings and animals. Many people do not really see this feature of nature, but Annie Dullard is a very good observer, who does not just watch it, but also sees it. She believes that God created natural world cruel and amoral. The disjunction between natural beauty and natural hate caused the suffering and to see this diversity one must experience it himself. Dullard advices these people who would like to experience it themselves to always keep their eyes open. According to Annie Dullard there are two kinds of seeing. One involves rolling stones away and studying the bank and the other one also involves a letting go. This kind of seeing is more likely to be a moment of intense insight and, as she says, it is guaranteed that this moment will vanish. These moments are usually created by God and the spiritual part of human being. This paragraph should explain how God appears in Annie Dullards writing in person and how he really affects what is going on around us. In Annie Dullards work Stalking there is a reference to Bible, where God talks to Moses: Moses said to God: I beseech thee, show me thy glory. And god said: Thou cannot see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live. But he added: There is a place by me, and thou shall stand upon a rock and it shall come to pass, while my glory passed by, that I will put thee in a cliff of the rock, and will cover thee, with my hand while I pass by: And I will take away mine hand, and thou shall see my back parts; but my face shall not be seen. Dullard 207) From this extract it seems as if God was omnipresent, as if he was always taking control over everything and it is only up to people how they would react and explain natural features to themselves. There are no doubts that God plays a very important role in Annie Dullards work and that she might be a little uncertain herself, if she really is ambivalent toward God. In fact, in her real life she was very unsure of her own religious views, since she was raised Presbyterian but converted to Catholicism in her early twenties. Annie Dullard claims that it really does not matter what kind of qualities your God has. But reading through her works, it is uneasy to decide, how she really feels toward him. Gods absence and Gods presence are felt simultaneously and it is very difficult to define whether she is afraid of him or she is simply aware of him. One of the poss. 0111 less AT want seen malign Is Tanat seen Is angry Witt ml, even tong she has never really expressed such an attitude in her writing. It is believed that God is an all knowing being, but no one has ever been in direct contact with him. And of course there is the question many people ask every single day: What exactly does he ant us to do, so we do not have to go through any suffering and pain? God and his powers are the reasons for human fear and when we think again about the cruel nature we really have to admit that world is not a warm and loving place. To conclude, Annie Dullard says that every kind of writing is a sort of creation. It is true about any kind of creation and every single one is meant to bring Joy. Every creation is meant to be touching and giving. Annie Dullard says that she writes to make people happy, she tries to make them see as she sees and see what she sees. God in her eyes is a mystic figure and his creation is the only one where she has doubts, whether it brought happiness and Joy. But God touching human being in any kind of sense always brings hope. He is an inscrutable figure. It is most probable to her that there is a God, but the answer to a question if he cares about his creation is probably not. Humans attitude towards God is very difficult. As Annie Dullard says it is extraordinarily difficult to be able to believe. Hope is a lot easier. One of the most famous quotes by Annie Dullard is accurate to her feelings toward God and his impact on a reader. Annie Dullard said: Eskimo: If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Essay Sample on Confucianism and Taoism
Essay Sample on Confucianism and Taoism The Connection between Confucianism and Taoism Confucianism and Taoism are some of the major religions in China. They have greatly influenced the culture of the Chinese people as well as their world view. The connection between the two religions has influenced many people over time. It can also be said that when the principles of both philosophies are put together, the outcome is a well-rounded person. The following is a discussion of the principles and philosophies behind these two religions as well as how the two religions interact and connect to influence an individual. Confucianism is a religion that bases its philosophy and principles on the teachings of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher who lived between 551 and 478 BC. The Philosophy behind Confucianism is humanism. Confucian adherents have a positive view of human beings and human nature. The world in the Confucian religion in seen through the ideal of humanism. This means that adherents of Confucianism hold it true that human beings are improvable, teachable and perfectible. Human beings can become perfect through individual and communal effort for example self creation and cultivation. The general philosophy of Confucianism emphasizes individual and governmental morality, rightness of social relationships, sincerity and justice of the whole community. All adherents of Confucianism should practice ethics that are exemplified by the propagation of virtues or principles. There are many virtues that adherents of Confucianism should follow for instance loyalty, continence, piety, bravery, gentleness, among others. However, there are five fundamental principles in Confucianism that include humaneness (Ren), Righteousness (Yi), Knowledge (Zhi), Etiquette (Li) and Integrity (Xin). Humaneness obliges people to show altruism to other people in a community. This means that one should be loyal to his true nature, should show reciprocity to good deeds, be kind and show piety. Humaneness dictates that people observe the Golden Rule, ‘Do not do to others what you do not want done to 0yourself’. Being righteous means being morally disposed to do good. Etiquette on the other hand is a system of propriety and norms that dictate what proper and improper behavior within a community is. Knowledge means to appreciate the true and deep significance of something. Integrity on the other hand means honesty and standing by ones words. Taoism is a Chinese religious tradition that stresses the importance of living harmoniously with the essence and source of all that exists or the Tao. In Chinese, Tao means the path, way or principle but it can also mean nature or reality. In Taoism, the right path is working in harmony with nature or reality. Taoism ethics stress the three jewels of the Tao which include moderation, compassion and humility. The philosophy of Taoism centers on nature and how human beings should relate with the cosmos. Inner fulfillment can be achieved through contemplation of nature. Nature is like a stream of wisdom and by experiencing it through innocent eyes, we are able to internalize its pleasantness, its intrigue and its excitement and achieve serenity. There are four fundamental principles in Taoism including Tao, De, Pu and Wu wei. Tao in Taoism is the natural, spontaneous, eternal and indescribable way everything began and took course. It is the force that is behind natural order, the natural flow of the universe or that which keeps the universe ordered and balanced. De on the other hand is the integrity, virtue and power that are an active expression of the way or Tao. It is the living out or cultivation of the way. Wu wei, the third principle in Taoism which literally means ‘without purposeful action’. It means effortless doing and the unseen power in all things. In practice, it means that people should not exert their will in the world as this will cause a disruption in the harmony that is within things. Human beings should put their will in harmony with that which is natural or the nature. This way, their objectives would be achieved without effort. Pu in Chinese is translated to mean simplicity. It is used to sy mbolize pure perception and potential without discrimination. Taoists believe that everything should be perceived as it really is without illusions. Pu is the true and pure nature of the mind, uncontaminated by experiences or knowledge. When someone is in Pu, there neither is beautiful nor ugly, right nor wrong, only pure awareness. When the principles of both Confucianism and Taoism combine, they are able to make a well rounded and self actualized person. First off, both philosophers advocate for people to move from having an ‘individual’ attitude and adopt a more communal attitude. Selflessness is therefore advocated for. The greater whole is give precedence over the individual. This is probably the reason why the Chinese as a people are very communal. If people adopted this notion, then a lot of useless conflicts between people would be done away with. This is because according to these philosophies, left to his means, the individual would not only hold himself back but also fragment the society. When individuals come together, the society is made stronger because people do only that which is advantageous to society. If therefore people adopted this principle as taught in both Confucianism and Taoism, the world would be a peaceful place to live in and our political leaders would work for the elec torate instead of protecting themselves and the haves. Another way in which the combination of the two philosophies can help make a well rounded person is that they both advocate for virtues that would make an individual better. While Confucianism emphasizes on humaneness, Righteousness, Knowledge, Etiquette and Integrity, Taoism centers on nature and how it can bring harmony to the human being and society. If one combined the two, he would in essence be a person who does good, follows societal norms and also conserves the environment. This in essence would be a law abiding citizen who respects the role of nature in the world. The environment and nature which we salvage any how would be safe and global warming and the extinction of some species of animals would not be there. Crime would be a thing of the past. The society would be full of well rounded people. Both philosophies encourage people to live well conducted lives, to fulfill all their obligations and duties and balance their lives. This means that people should respect their different roles in social relationships as mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, siblings, friends, relatives, ruler, subject etc. The two religions encourage that one should be able to balance all his roles and perform them to the fullest. This balance is also encouraged in other issues in life as such as there should be a balance between cowardice and courage. Striking a balance between things and observing moderation is makes a well conducted life which is encouraged in both religions. If people adopted the principles of Confucianism and Taoism, issues like violence, negligence, divorce, adultery, deceit would be unheard of as everyone would know their place and execute their roles efficiently. If people adopted Confucian and Taoist principles, we would believe in the inherent potential in human beings to be changed and transformed to be good people. If one went wrong for example, they would really believe they could change and therefore they would work towards becoming better people because they truly believe in transformation. People would be aware of their inner self and cultivate it for the betterment of humanity. Our Judicial and justice systems would also be tailored with this notion in mind, with their primary role being to fully rehabilitate people. If a person combined both Confucian and Taoist principles in their lives, they would learn to appreciate the little things that we take for granted like the sun, the rain, the air and even art among other. Such a person would appreciate uncontaminated beauty and thus give way for art to develop. Such people would use art to unify society. This is the reason why the Chinese appreciate art so much. In conclusion, Confucian and Taoist principles combined would make a person happy, contented, fulfilled and self actualized. It would make a person not to burden themselves with the insignificances of life but rather to live life to the fullest. The principles of both religions combined would ensure that individual, the society and indeed the world over is focused on what really matters. It would make an individual to be at peace with himself and the society.
Friday, November 22, 2019
7 Other Types of Pronouns
7 Other Types of Pronouns 7 Other Types of Pronouns 7 Other Types of Pronouns By Mark Nichol Think of a pronoun. Chances are, you will come up with a personal pronoun, such as he, she, it, them, they, us, and the like. But note that I modified pronoun with the adjective personal, which implies that there are other types of pronouns. As a matter of fact, eight classes of pronouns exist. Here’s an outline: 1. Demonstrative Pronouns This class of pronouns direct the reader’s attention to an implied noun: â€Å"I’m not going to eat this.†â€Å"That was quite an experience!†â€Å"What are these?†â€Å"I’ve never seen those before.†â€Å"Such is my understanding of the situation.†These sentences closely resemble the type in which the same words appear as adjectives for example, â€Å"I’m not going to eat this food†but in such case, they have a different identity: When they modify nouns, these words are called determiners. 2. Indefinite Pronouns Not to be confused with indefinite relative pronouns, described below, these are pronouns that act as nouns: â€Å"All were present at the meeting.†â€Å"Each was guilty in his or her own way.†â€Å"One has to keep up appearances.†â€Å"Good fortune comes to some.†â€Å"None of them showed up.†â€Å"Is anybody interested?†â€Å"Somebody is going to pay for this.†â€Å"Have you sent invitations to everybody?†There are many more indefinite pronouns than these: any, fewer, several, most, and other related words; these also function as determiners (adjectives): â€Å"I recognized several people at the party.†3. Intensive Pronouns Intensive pronouns are simply personal pronouns with -self or -selves attached, such as in the following sentences: â€Å"I myself don’t have an opinion.†â€Å"She would have said so herself, but he beat her to it.†Intensive pronouns, like the otherwise identical-looking reflexive pronouns (below), are not essential to the sentence; omit the highlighted word in each of these examples, and the sentences still make sense without the intensive pronoun. 4. Interrogative Pronouns These pronouns introduce interrogative sentences: â€Å"Who are you?†â€Å"What is the meaning of life?†â€Å"Which way should I go?†Like some other types of pronouns, these can serve as determiners (sometimes called, in this role, interrogative adjectives). Sentences in which interrogative pronouns appear don’t always end with question marks: â€Å"I know who you are.†â€Å"She told you what the meaning of life is.†â€Å"They know which way to go.†5. Reciprocal Pronouns These pronouns combine ideas, hence the name: â€Å"Have you met each other before?†â€Å"We shared our thoughts with one another.†The distinction in use is whether you refer to two people (â€Å"each other†) or to more than two (â€Å"one another†). 6. Reflexive Pronouns These pronouns have the same form as intensive pronouns but differ in that they refer reflexively to the antecedent (a corresponding noun the pronoun refers to): â€Å"I bought myself a new car.†(Myself is reflexive of I.) â€Å"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? (Yourself is reflexive of you.) They are also essential to the sentence; if you omitted the highlighted word in each of these examples, the sentences would be incomplete. The erroneous use of reflexive pronouns in sentences such as â€Å"Jane and myself were there when it happened†(instead of â€Å"Jane and I were there when it happened†) is called an untriggered reflexive, because there was no antecedent to trigger the pronoun. (â€Å"Jane and I†itself is the subject. This subject is the antecedent of we in â€Å"Jane and I were there when it happened, but we didn’t see anything,†but there’s no need for a reflexive pronoun in that sentence.) 7. Relative Pronouns These are the type of pronouns that, as the name implies, relate words to other pronouns or to nouns: â€Å"Who were you talking to?†â€Å"I’ll find out which one is correct.†â€Å"The vase that was on the table is missing.†A subgroup of relative pronouns, the indefinite relative pronouns, lack an antecedent: â€Å"What were you saying?†â€Å"Whoever said that is asking for trouble.†â€Å"I’ll do whatever I please.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Math or Maths?50 Idioms About Roads and Paths40 Irregular Verbs That Can End in â€Å"-tâ€
Thursday, November 21, 2019
What strategies can policy makers employ to promote successful policy Essay
What strategies can policy makers employ to promote successful policy implementation Policies, policy makers and connection with history - Essay Example This process actually involves the translation of the objectives of the policy into the system. It has three basic elements which include creating responsibility or an agency who would handle this new responsibility. Secondly, there needs to be operational rules and guidelines for the policy program and personnel and resources need to be coordinated so that the intent of the policy is achieved. Thesis statement Policy implementation is the next step after adoption of a policy and they make or break the policy. There will be no effect on society if the policy is never implemented; however this is a complex procedure that has many facets and ingredients for success. Policy implementation Policies also have certain intended and unintended effects. Intended effects are those that aim to seek out a positive benefit from a policy and this could also be one of the ways that policies actually avoid the negative effects. That is why there is a standard and policy makers will always compare th eir policy against the standard to see whether it is above or below the par. An example could include the policy the State of California implemented which led to the increase in use of hybrid cars. The Federal Law provided tax cuts worth $1500 as well as special lanes to hybrid vehicles which led to an increase in the use of hybrid cars and this led to a positive effect or an intended effect. The government created an effect by taking an action which was the policy even though the option of ‘high-occupancy vehicle lanes’ is not available for new hybrid vehicles. (Suleiman, 1984) Negative side effects that are not intended are called ‘unintended’ and they are usually because policy making systems are usually complex. They may set the tax rate so high or so low that this deters money from the economy. Therefore the policy implementation fine combs the policy actions so that these unintended effects are taken care of; however it is impossible to remove the ent ire negative effects while implementation. (Yates, 1977) Policy making as aforementioned is the part where the government actually carries out and executes a particular policy that is adopted when it is required by the law or otherwise. The different agencies that are responsible for the respective policy areas come together and are given the formal responsibility for implementing the policy and this is usually the stage when the bill is no longer a bill but becomes a law. Once the government has made a public policy such as a rule, law, edict, statute or any regulation, the policy must be executed and monitored, administered and then it should be forced upon society so that it brings about the change that policy makers desire it to. The agency that is responsible for implementation is given the desired resources and the power to allow the new policy to be implemented smoothly, however this is usually not the case. But why is public policy implemented in the first place? Public poli cies are implemented so that there is some change in the population so that a certain public problem is resolved or at least ameliorated at the very least. The problem will continue to exist until the policy is carried out and once the policy is implemented, it will be evaluated to see if the results that were desired are being obtained and further revision and implantation can take place. Agencies of administration will carry out most of the work of the government and so they have an impact on the citizens of the county and are involved in policy implementa
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
''Storm Center'' by David M. O'Brien Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
''Storm Center'' by David M. O'Brien - Essay Example He illustrates it in a such stoical manner, that the power of America's superior anti-democratic and opposition of majoritarian institution completely depends upon the endorsement or agreement of the country. Even though we think that when it comes to politics, we pay close attention to the elected branches, Alexis de Tocqueville was his common acute as well as observed that hardly any issue which is political take place in the United States that is not determined, ,into a legal question. As Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes stated that the Court turns into what is called a ''storm centre'' when it tackles a passion-stirring concern weather it be assimilation, crime, abortion, affirmative action. ''Storm Center'' by David M. O'Brien gives instance of the above mentioned issues. Given the reality that the Court is an oligarchy and all relies on only 9 lords, each and every one of whom is expected to have strong belief and a powerful persona; it would be astonishing if personal hostility did not take place in the procedures. O'Brien in a brilliant manner presents the example of Justice James C. McReynolds, he considers him as being anti-Semitic, would exit from the conference room every time Justice Louis D. Brandeis started to speak . Nevertheless O'Brien points out realistically that irrelevant frustration that has no big part in the important decisions. The Justices are restricted via the type of courtesy which is incorporated into the Court's cases (for example they all of them shake hands each others hands before starting a conference) by the gracefulness of its political position as well as by institutional and prudential concern; unpredicted coalition are made on sensitive issues. O'Brien does not give in blow-by-blow accounts of fights -although he gives quite a few good accounts of the cases however he pays more attention to analyzing the structure and operations of the Court. He states that it has turned into common knowledge, that Justices are frequently selected for their apparent ideological likeness to whoever the President is at present , just to let down their sponsor once installed. An well liked example of O'Brien is of president Dwight D. Eisenhower's choice of Chief Justice Earl Warren. (President Reagan's consultant clearly knows their record; his most recent recommendation to the Court appears to be diligently proposed in order evade any surprises.) Kind Of Research And Analytic Method O'Brien is clear as well as remarkable in the powerful analytic method he uses to explain how the Justices allocate their work. He has used qualitative research as he has utilized pervious literature for the court cases in order to proof his point . this kind of research has led him to give valid information regarding the fact that law clerks have achieved power in current years, as the load of work has increased, although he thinks that their influence is less than that influence which readers of his last publication ''The Brethren'' had . Although the importance that he has given to collegiality ever since the time of Chief Justice John Marshall as well as the strong wish for consent, particularly on important issues , foremost decisions have occasionally been
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Submitted Resume and Cover Letter Essay Example for Free
Submitted Resume and Cover Letter Essay Dear Customer: Regarding your kindly submitted resume and cover letter, please review the following suggested empowerments: Selection of a strong font, supplementing this with varying sizes for headings and body, bolding, and bullets. Use a strong letterhead style for the cover letter. Use the maximum effect of white page and dark print contrasts. Add a very strong, empowering Objective that targets the specific career position(s) that you want – one to three specific careers or job titles. Add an Executive Summary. Add a Qualifications section Addition of strong skills statements and strong verbs. Add specific numbers for accomplishments, including estimated dollars saved or increased in sales, percentages of time, number of new products/ processes designed, etc. Add an Educations and Certifications section to include any licenses or certificates or any training courses that are relevant. Add volunteer work if you have performed such. Add a Special Skills section to include computer programs and software known, various equipment, any foreign languages (reading, writing, or fluent), and/or other skills that others candidates applying for these types of jobs you target may not have and which can make you a standout job candidate. Use bullet points and more powerful specific language in the cover letter as a sharp, eye-catching appeal to new employers. Thank you for the opportunity to review your resume and cover letter. Best regards.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Combining Environmental Groups in Order to Preserve Wildlife :: Environment Environmental Pollution Preservation
Combining Environmental Groups in Order to Preserve Wildlife Environmental issues have been a problem all over the world. Some species are constantly being declared endangered and on the verge of extinction. A group of concerned people join together to raise funds in order to improve the habitat or produce more of the endangered species. These organizations have proved to be successful. Many have even removed plants and animals from the long list of endangered species. A problem that persists within the environment groups is the use of funding. The organizations bring in a great deal of money from contributors, but all of the donations are not going toward the groups certain goal to save the endangered. Some of the money is spent on paying employees, organization expenses, and most of all on advertising (Belt 2).  It is absolutely unnecessary for donated money to be spent just to get more contributors. If that money went toward the use of scientific work or habitat repair, the environment groups would be and even greater success and so much more could be done to preserve the planets endangered. I propose that we combine all environmental groups into one. If they were to all join together, so much more could be done to save the plants and animals that are becoming extinct.  Environment groups have already done so much to help better the wildlife. Many have raised enough money to improve the habitat of and endangered species or even encourage the reproduction of almost extinct animals. This is what they should be doing with all of the money that is donated toward the certain organizations, but it is not (Short 1). The groups have to spend a great deal of their money for a numerous amount of unnecessary reasons. They have to pay for traveling, promotions, and advertising, which in no way benefits the endangered plants and animals.  One of the main reasons for combining all of the groups, is that it would be more beneficial for the spending of funds. The amount of money that environmental groups bring in is outrageous. One of the larger groups has an annual budget of $64 million dollars. They turn around and spend $54 million dollars of that for advertising in order to get more contributors (Belt 1).  So much of the money donated to environmental groups is spent on frivolous activities. $12 million dollars is being spent to keep a killer wale happy.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Five Sense Organs in Human Beings
The Five Sense Organs in Human Beings The sense organs  eyes, ears, tongue, skin, and nose  help to protect the body. The human sense organs contain receptors that relay information through sensory neurons to the appropriate places within the nervous system. Each sense organ contains different receptors. †¢General receptors are found throughout the body because they are present in skin, visceral organs (visceral meaning in the abdominal cavity), muscles, and joints. Special receptors include chemoreceptors (chemical receptors) found in the mouth and nose, photoreceptors (light receptors) found in the eyes, and mechanoreceptors found in the ears. Oooh, that smell: Olfaction Olfactory cells line the top of your nasal cavity. On one end, olfactory cells have cilia  hair-like attachments  that project into the nasal cavity. On the other end of the cell, are olfactory nerve fibers, which pass through the ethmoid bone and into the olfactory bulb. The ol factory bulb is directly attached to the cerebral cortex of your brain.As you breathe, anything that is in the air that you take in enters your nasal cavity: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, dust, pollen, chemicals. You don’t â€Å"smell†air or dust or pollen, but you can smell chemicals. The olfactory cells are chemoreceptors, which means the olfactory cells have protein receptors that can detect subtle differences in chemicals. The chemicals bind to the cilia, which generate a nerve impulse that is carried through the olfactory cell, into the olfactory nerve fiber, up to the olfactory bulb and to your brain. Your brain determines what you are smelling.If you are sniffing something that you haven’t experienced before, you need to use another sense, such as taste or sight, to make an imprint in your brain’s memory. Mmm, mmm, good: Taste The senses of smell and taste work closely together. If you cannot smell something, you cannot taste it, either. Taste buds on your tongue contain chemoreceptors that work in a similar fashion to the chemoreceptors in the nasal cavity. However, the chemoreceptors in the nose will detect any kind of smell, whereas there are four different types of taste buds, and each detects different types of tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, and salty.A common misconception is that the little bumps on your tongue are the taste buds. As with all misconceptions, this idea is wrong, too. The little bumps on your tongue are called papillae, and the taste buds actually lie down in the grooves between each papilla. Foods contain chemicals, and when you put something into your mouth, the taste buds in your tongue can detect what chemicals you are ingesting. Each taste bud has a pore at one end with microvilli sticking out of the pore, and sensory nerve fibers attached to the other end.Chemicals from food bind to the microvilli, generating a nerve impulse that is carried through the sensory nerve fibers and eventually to the brain. Now hear this: Sound The ear not only is the organ of hearing, but it also is responsible for maintaining equilibrium  or balance. To maintain equilibrium, the ear must detect movement. To hear, the ear must respond to mechanical stimulation by sound waves. The outer ear is the external opening to the ear canal. Sound waves are shuttled through the ear canal to the middle ear. The eardrum sets the mechanics in motion: 1.When a sound wave hits the eardrum, the eardrum moves tiny bones  the malleus, incus, and stapes  which subsequently move. 2. This movement is picked up by the mechanoreceptors in the inner ear, which exist on hair cells containing cilia between the end of the semicircular canals and the vestibule. 3. When the cilia move, the cells create an impulse that is sent through the cochlea to the eighth cranial nerve, which carries the impulse to the brain. 4. The brain then interprets the information as a specific sound. The fluid within the semicir cular canals of the inner ear moves, and that movement is ultimately detected by the cilia.When the fluid doesn’t stop moving, you can develop motion sickness. The cilia transmit impulses to the brain about angular and rotational movement, as well as movement through vertical and horizontal planes, which helps your body to keep its balance. Seeing is believing: Sight When you look at an eye, the iris is the colored part. The iris actually is a pigmented muscle that controls the size of the pupil, which dilates to allow more light into the eye or contracts to allow less light into the eye. The iris and pupil are covered by the cornea. Behind the pupil is an anterior chamber.Behind the anterior chamber is the lens. The ciliary body contains a small muscle that connects to the lens and the iris. The ciliary muscle changes the shape of the lens to adjust for far or near vision. The lens flattens to see farther away, and it becomes rounded for near vision. The process of changing the shape of the lens is called accommodation. People lose the ability of accommodation as they grow older, prompting the need for glasses. Behind the lens of the eye is the vitreous body, which is filled with a gelatinous material called vitreous humor.This substance gives shape to the eyeball and also transmits light to the very back of the eyeball, where the retina lies. The retina contains photoreceptors, which detect light. Two types of sensors detect light: †¢Rods detect motion. The rods work harder in low light. †¢Cones detect fine detail and color. The cones work best in bright light. There are three types of cones: one that detects blue, one that detects red, and one that detects green. Color blindness occurs when one type of cone is lacking. When light strikes the rods and cones, nerve impulses are generated.The impulse travels to two types of neurons: first to bipolar cells and then to ganglionic cells. The axons of ganglionic cells form the optic nerve. The opt ic nerve carries the impulse directly to the brain. Approximately 150 million rods are in a retina, but only 1 million ganglionic cells and nerve fibers are there, which means that many more rods can be stimulated than there are cells and nerve fibers to carry the impulses. Your eye must combine â€Å"messages†before the impulses are sent to the brain. A touchy-feely subject: TouchThe skin contains general receptors. These receptors can detect touch, pain, pressure, and temperature. Throughout your skin, you have all four of these receptors interspersed. Skin receptors generate an impulse when activated, which is carried to the spinal cord and then to the brain. The skin is not the only tissue in the body to have receptors, however. Your organs, which are made of tissues, also have receptors. Joints, ligaments, and tendons contain proprioceptors, which detect the position and movement of the limbs.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Analysis of The Shifting Heart, by Richard Beynon Essay
Thesis: In The Shifting Heart, the playwright Richard Beynon conveys ideas and representations of Australian identity through the use of narrative techniques, especially dialogue and characterisation. Each character represents an aspect of Australian society in the 1950’s that Beynon perceives to be true. 1st published in 1960. Set in 1956. NUTSHELL- 1. Not accepting of other cultures; Abuse against Gino and failed assimilation halfway between identities. Cultural heritage is important in establishing identity -Through the characterisation of Gino, Beynon shows the rejection of Australians towards immigrants and other cultures. -Page 95 Australian citizenship Certificate shows the belief Gino had that he had been accepted into Australian society. Momma â€Å"This we gotta put in a frame, he says.†It means something to him. Constant beatings he receives at the dance hall show that he is not accepted, as well as Barry shoving in the way in line â€Å"He tries to put his load straight on the scales- before us, so I told him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Clarry: â€Å"You shouldn’ta told him (page 27). Eventual death of Gino via the beatings shows the extreme racism and prejudice in Australia during the time of production. -Assimilation is encouraged to fit in -He tried to assimilate into Australian society, Pg 34 â€Å"Clarry. If he’s Australian, or†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and then continues on page 35 â€Å"Maria. Italian? (Pressing hard) What if he’s†¦ between the two?†2. The play explores the systemic racism that exists within Australian society and portrays the justice system as corrupt and discriminatory -Throughout the play it is evident that racism is widespread and commonly used, with the people supporting immigrants being the minority. -After the death of Gino, it is evident that the law system is corrupt and that racism is systemic. -Detective Lukie- Boss is looking to promote him if he successfully pins the fight on the dead Gino. Page 69 rank is Detective sergeant (high ranking). Corrupt- makes assumptions, takes one side of the story of the Australian, â€Å"All I know are the facts,†page 73. Biased and racist Witness girl saw it all unfold page 96 the girl Gino was meeting on Italians side: Lukie â€Å"And we found a girl, too; arranged to meet him in the foyer. Saw most of it happen, she says†¦Ã¢â‚¬ - Police still confident Gino was to blame -Page 97 Clarry â€Å"Why the change of face, eh? After promotion?†Lukie: â€Å"I’m happy. (Pause.) But i got a boss with ambitions.†Clarry talking to Lukie about Momma going to inquest; â€Å"She remembers, she forgets; what the hell difference will it make?†Knows whatever happens Gino will be declared guilty of drunken violence 3. A societies attitudes towards a minority race can be changed when they gain a greater understanding of the people aligned with that race rather than basing their judgment on stereotypes – Reflects upon the belief that racism is taught rather than inherited or ‘natural’ – Clarry represents this thesis, connotations of the title refer to him -Represented as a typical Aussie bloke, ie â€Å"could obviously manage without help in a fight,†page 20. In reference to Barry, the scrap metal collector who pushes in line in front of Gino, Clarry reasons that â€Å"Because he’s an older man, that’s why. He was in this game before you were even in this country.†â€Å"Rugged man of 36,†page 20 – Start of the novel Clarry loves Maria but doesn’t want to be acknowledged as being related to Bianchi’s. Maria: ‘†¦when he’s introduced Gino to people, but never once did he call him his brother-in-la w†page 77 He isn’t violent but he still has aspects of racism Refer to conversation with Lukie about Gino being guilty, he sticks up for them Challenges authority figures and calls their kid Gino â€Å"But last night-it clicked for me. I dunno†¦ I felt sort of†¦ good†¦Ã¢â‚¬ stereotype emotion, shows side 4. Alcohol is needed to have a good time and celebrate (Clarry and Donny) and the violence etc from it (misusing alcohol) -Donny Pratt: Represents alcoholism in Australia. (Leila bursts from the house with a ottle of beer and glasses†¦) â€Å"Here: quick, to wet its head. â€Å"Clarry (And he wrenches the top from a bottle.) â€Å"Here, Pop, grab yourself a lifeboat and hop inta that,†page 48. Reference to getting drunk, part of Aussie lifestyle. He is working class. Expresses the overlooking of domestic violence at the time. â€Å"How can I a hit you if I don’t remember?†Page 88 – Naturalised violence.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Top 7 Healthcare Careers That Dont Require A Graduate Degree
Top 7 Healthcare Careers That Dont Require A Graduate Degree According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of healthcare jobs will increase by 26 percent by 2022. Population growth, baby boomers turning 65, chronic conditions as well as changes in health insurance fuel the need for healthcare workers. Aside from physicians, the healthcare sector offers many opportunities. Growth sectors in the healthcare industryHospitals are the main employers of health care workers, and the number of jobs in this arena and all jobs in health care will see an increase in the upcoming years. The trend is shifting to physician offices and home health care since hospital stays are decreasing due to high costs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, doctors’ offices are expected to add 1.2 million jobs while home healthcare jobs are expected to rise by 60 percent. Assisted living and nursing care facilities will add jobs as the population ages. Looking at some of the different healthcare jobs available might give you a better understanding of the opportunity that awaits you without a medical degree.Dental AssistantDental assistant jobs are in high demand and the projected rate of growth is over 30 percent. Dental schools, community colleges and vocational schools offer training courses and a certificate. National certification, after passing the Dental Assisting National Board exam, is available. Dental assistants have varied responsibilities including preparing patients for dental procedures, assisting dentists and providing patients with instructions concerning dental hygiene. Licensing is offered in some states.Nutritionists and DietitiansGrowth in this healthcare sector is expected to be above average, and the BLS projects a 21 percent job growth rate. Many people are conscious of the role diet plays in their lives, and doctors and hospitals rely on dietitians and nutritionists to help patients eat healthy. Other work settings include nursing homes and cafeterias while some dietitians and nutritionists maintain a solo practice. A college degree and post-graduate or extracurricular training during formal education is common. Some states require licensure.Medical AssistantMedical assistant jobs have a projected growth rate of 29 percent, according to BLS statistics. The responsibilities of this job vary and include performing administrative tasks, compiling and updating medical records, setting up lab tests and hospital admissions. In some settings, medical assistants might also process laboratory specimens and assist the doctor during patient exams. There are multiple training programs available, and certification is provided by the American Association of Medical Assistants.Radiologic TechniciansJobs in this field are growing rapidly. Most technicians work in a hospital environment, but some are employed in private practices. Programs generally lead to an associate’s degree with certification by an accredited institution. Some radiologic technicians specialize in MRI and CT technology .Home HealthcareThe job outlook for home health workers is expected to grow by 48 percent, according to the BLS. This is due to the aging population is the United States and the decision by many older Americans to remain at home. In addition to caring for the elderly, home health workers care for those with cognitive difficulties, the disabled and those with chronic illnesses. While formal education in the field is not mandatory, certified agencies require training and completion of a testing program. some states provide training for home health aides, including modules aimed at infection control.Physical TherapistsPhysical therapists are in demand and work in hospitals, doctor’s offices as well as assisted living facilities. Rehabilitation is needed for accident injuries and post-surgical therapy. A growth rate of 36 percent is expected to result in over 73,500 jobs by 2022. Physical therapists require formal training and licensure.Medical SonographersMedical sonographers us e special equipment to do tests such as ultrasounds for a variety of purposes. Sonographers work in doctor’s offices and hospitals, and the job growth rate is expected to increase by 39 percent in the next few years, according to the BLS. Technicians need certification and training to work in this field.How to find jobsUsing a job search site such as thejobnetwork lets you look for healthcare jobs in your area. After loading your profile, including your qualifications and preferences, this platform is able to match you with available positions. In addition, jobs are rated according to the extent with which the job matches what you want.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
September 2007 Most Popular Posts
September 2007 Most Popular Posts September 2007 Most Popular Posts September 2007 Most Popular Posts By Daniel Scocco Latin Words and Expressions: All You Need to Know: Even though Latin is considered a dead language (no country officially speaks it), its influence upon other languages makes it still important. Latin words and expressions are present in virtually all the languages around the world, as well as on different scientific and academic fields. The Freelance Writing Jobs I Avoid: The convenience of the Web has made freelance writing more convenient. Jobs are easier to find, but rejection letters can arrive much more quickly! The Web also has opened up a new range of business practices, some good, some bad. Here are the types of freelance writing jobs that I steer away from, if possible, having tried most of them. Punctuation Errors: Multiple Punctuation Marks: The exclamation mark, the ellipsis and the question mark have clear roles inside the English language, and you should trust them. Increasing the number of exclamation or question marks at the end of a sentence might appear to increase the overall emphasis, but in reality it just makes your text ugly and informal. Six Rules for Making Subjects and Verbs Agree: If you want to write proper English, you have to follow a rule called â€Å"subject-verb agreement.†That means that if the subject is plural (ducks), then the verb needs to be plural (quack). If the subject is singular (duck) then the verb needs to be singular (quacks). â€Å"Forte†or â€Å"Fortà «,†â€Å"Cache†or â€Å"Cachet†?: How many times have you heard people say something is not their â€Å"forte†and pronounce forte as /for tay/? Writing and Selling Your Mystery Novel: Some novelists like to begin with a blank page and see where their thoughts take them. This approach may be good enough to get started, but if it’s a mystery you want to write, sooner or later you’ll need a plan. The Art Of Writing News: News writing is a key skill for journalists, but it helps with other types of writing as well. That’s because news writing is about telling a story quickly and concisely. Anyone can learn to do this, with a bit of help. Here’s how you can write the news and get your story across. The technique also works well for writing press releases. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†Empathy "With" or Empathy "For"?Dozen: Singular or Plural?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Old dependency ratio(demography) Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Old dependency ratio(demography) - Lab Report Example The question remains, what other factors are likely to be varied, simultaneously, along the change? How have people’s behavior been adjusted and in what manners? Whether the high dependency ratio is a burden on working population or the situation is merely another social outcome of the demographic transition; without concluding it to be negative or positive? Figure.1 is a diagram of historical data, projecting â€Å"old dependency ratio†in U.S. As graph shows, old dependency ratio has been substantially raised historically due to both lower fertility and reduced mortality of old population. It is anticipated to sharply increase after 2010s. From year 1950 to 2010 the ODR changed from a value of 0.14 to 0.22, where as the likely jump for the period from 2010 to 2030 will be from a value of 0.22 to 0.35 (all figures are noted approximately) (the change for 20 years after 2010 is almost double the change between 1950 and 2010). The projected sharp increase (from 2010 to 2030) can be interpreted as a result of post WWII baby boom from 1946-1964. From 2010s, some of the babies born between 1946 and 1964 will be over 65. The diagram indicates that during this period there will be a huge financial burden on rest of the population (the working population). However, it is pre-mature to assume a negative situation without further investigation into more details. Something favorable might be happening as a consequence of demographic changes in the population ratios of the old and young. There are factors which might change as consequence of change in the old dependency ratio. This change might be helpful rather than being adverse. First of all, let us look at the historical data of expenditure on education. Table 1 and Table 2 show the yearly expenditure on education as well as income over the years. Table 1 shows this data on the
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